Languages of Architectural Form -建築の形態言語-
「Languages of Architectural Form -建築の形態言語-」
佐久間 達也
2 月 19 日火曜日 - 2 月 23 日日曜日
開催時間 12:00-19:00
( 最終日 17:00 まで )
(タイトルはウィリアム・ミッチェル著 長倉威彦訳「建築の形態言語-デザイン・計算・認知について」鹿島出版会 1991 より引用。)
「Languages of Architectural Form -The language of architectural form-」
Tatsuya Sakuma
Tuesday, February 19 - Sunday, February 23
Opening hours : 12:00-19:00
(until 17:00 on the last day)
Modern architecture emphasizes function and performance. Functionalism has been favored over decorative elements.
The motifs I added as decorations are simple and natural, not ornate or religious.
Borrowing from architectural classics helps everyone understand formal language.
This fosters shared sensibilities and spatial understanding. Form connects to the spirit.