プロフィール | Profile


I'm interested in the relationships of trivial things. for example,Events at a part-time job, words and actions of others, etc. Taking the opportunity of things that I was interested in in my daily life, I look at those relationships and reconstruct them to produce.

It's also trying to explain the current situation where these complex relationships make it harder to grasp the essence and things get bigger.

Focusing on paints and paper clay, I am trying to express a modern society like fiction, which is frivolous and mass-produced.

経歴 | Biography

1998  千葉県生まれ | Born in Chiba Prefecture

2020  東北芸術工科大学芸術学部美術科洋画コース入学| Entered Tohoku University of Art & Design

2022  東北芸術工科大学芸術学部美術科洋画コース在学 | Student of Tohoku University of Art & Design