プロフィール | Profile


I work mainly with oil paintings, and creates works related to natural phenomena with ambiguous boundaries, such as the life and death of living creatures and the flickering of light.

経歴 | Biography

2019 東京藝術大学絵画科油画専攻 卒業 | Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting, Oil Painting
2019 第3回アートオリンピア学生部門優秀賞 受賞 | Awarded the Excellence Prize in the Student Division of ART OLYMPIA 2019

2020  個展「褪せていく血液と変わらない光」ギャラリー美の舎(根津) | Solo Exhibition "Fading Blood and Unchanging Light" in Gallery Binosha, Nezu
2020 シェル美術賞2020 入選 | Selected for Shell Art Award 2020

2021  東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科 美術解剖学研究室修了 | Completed the Master's course in Art Anatomy, Tokyo University of the Arts

2022 同研究室博士後期課程 在学中 | Doctoral student at the same laboratory